#digital advertising

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1 day ago
Privacy professionals

Protect Your Privacy by Disabling This App-Tracking Apple iPhone Setting

Apple prioritizes user data privacy through App Tracking Transparency feature. [ more ]
The Motley Fool
1 day ago
Tech industry

3 Exceptional Growth Stocks to Buy Hand Over Fist Right Now | The Motley Fool

Growth stocks are outperforming value stocks, with The Trade Desk being one worth watching for its revenue growth. [ more ]
2 days ago

OneScreen.ai brings startup ads to billboards and NYC's subway | TechCrunch

Billboards are gaining popularity for startups as a creative and effective marketing strategy beyond digital screens. [ more ]
The Motley Fool
2 days ago
Artificial intelligence

Generative AI Sales Could Surge 2,026%: Here's My Pick for the Best AI Stock to Buy Now (Hint: Not Nvidia) | The Motley Fool

Alphabet could benefit from the generative AI boom [ more ]
Practical Ecommerce
2 days ago

AI Search, Cookieless Ads Boost Content Marketing

Shift from third-party cookies may prompt ecommerce marketers to explore alternative content marketing methods [ more ]
3 days ago
Marketing tech

Exclusive: The Trade Desk Ranks the Top 100 Publishers

The Trade Desk released a list of the top 100 premium publishers on the open internet, focusing on quality content and transparency. [ more ]
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